Food4Kids Guelph is a Rotary-inspired charity. 
When families are struggling to make ends meet, even for basic needs such as providing adequate food for their children, community support makes a world of difference. 
In normal times, the Food4Kids Guelph program provides weekend food bags for children from severely food-insecure homes, referred by their schools. The goal is to close the weekend gap for the children who absolutely depend on getting some food at school Monday to Friday (breakfast and snack programs) but who often struggle through weekends when they go home to sparse cupboards and fridges. Food4Kids delivers nutritious food bags to their schools on a Friday, where staff discreetly hand out the food bags to be taken home for the weekend - with a food bag being provided for each child age 1-14 in the household.
When schools are closed, or off-limits to volunteers due to COVID-19 safety restrictions, Food4Kids sends regular grocery gift cards to families to help with their purchase of food. 

How This Program Began at Rotary